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Building a collapsible Extended Floating Action Button with Jetpack Compose

December 12, 2021

In this post, we are building the collapsible Extended Floating Action Button animation specified in the Material Design 3 guidelines.

When the user scrolls up to reveal more content, the Extended FAB collapses into a regular FAB. This effect is easy to implement once we find the suitable APIs with Jetpack Compose, namely:

  • AnimatedVisibility takes care of the animation
  • snapshotFlow lets us listen to scroll offset given by ScrollState.value

Create our FAB component

Out of the box, the androidx.compose.material3 library gives us an ExtendedFloatingActionButton component. Unfortunately, it takes an optional icon composable, while what we want to achieve has a persistent icon across the two states. So, we’ll have to roll our own:

fun ExtendableFloatingActionButton(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  extended: Boolean,  text: @Composable () -> Unit,
  icon: @Composable () -> Unit,
  onClick: () -> Unit = {}
) {
    modifier = modifier,
    onClick = onClick,
  ) {
      modifier = Modifier.padding(
        start = PaddingSize,
        end = PaddingSize
      verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
    ) {

      AnimatedVisibility(visible = extended) {        Row {

private val PaddingSize = 16.dp

The composable function takes an extended: Boolean parameter to indicate whether the optional text label is shown. This state is hoisted up to the parent composable, so that we can change it according to the scroll state of the background content.

Inside the component, we wrap the optional text label inside an AnimatedVisibility block. The AnimatedVisibility is like a drop-in replacement for an if conditional block. When the extended state changes, Compose will interpolate between the two states and animate the appearance/disappearance of content automatically.

Listen to scroll events

Compose offers two sets of modifiers for handling scroll gestures:

  • Modifier.verticalScroll (and horizontalScroll), which take a ScrollState;
  • Modifier.scrollable, which takes a ScrollableState.

By passing in either a ScrollState or ScrollableState object to these modifiers, we can read off scroll states and manually control how the content is scrolled.


Notice ScrollState with a shorter name is the more commonly used API.

To subscribe to scroll events, I expected to find something to which we can attach a callback (like RecyclerView.OnScrollListener), or an event stream like a Flow of scrolled offsets. It turns out ScrollableState does take a lambda. We can grab the current scroll position in this lambda and store it in a MutableState.

fun ScrollableSample() {
  // actual composable state
  var offset by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }  Box(
        orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
        // Scrollable state: describes how to consume
        // scrolling delta and update offset
        state = rememberScrollableState { delta ->          offset += delta          delta        }      )
    contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
  ) {

However, Modifier.scrollable is a low-level primitive used internally by Modifier.verticalScroll. It detects the scroll gestures, but the content itself won’t be scrolled by default. In this way, we’ll have to duplicate a lot of logic in Modifier.verticalScroll.

On the other hand, ScrollState used by Modifier.verticalScroll gives us the current scroll position through the ScrollState.value attribute directly.

// 👇 ScrollState exposes an integer scroll position value.

class ScrollState(initial: Int) : ScrollableState {
   * current scroll position value in pixels
  var value: Int by mutableStateOf(initial, structuralEqualityPolicy())
    private set

  // ...

It isn’t obvious, but we can subscribe to this integer value by using snapshotFlow. This is how we can achieve the collapsible FAB behavior:

val verticalScroll = rememberScrollState()
var fabExtended by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

LaunchedEffect(verticalScroll) {
  var prev = 0
  snapshotFlow { verticalScroll.value }    .collect {
       fabExtended = it <= prev
       prev = it

  floatingActionButton = { 
    ExtendableFloatingActionButton(extended = fabExtended, /**/)
) {
  Column(Modifier.verticalScroll(verticalScroll) { /**/ }

How does snapshotFlow work?

At first blush, the snapshotFlow looks a bit magical to me. Its lambda parameter only captures a primitive value, but somehow, it can react to MutableState changes and emit new values.

Where does this reactivity come from? Under the hood, snapshotFlow uses the Snapshot API of the Compose runtime. Here is a simple demonstration:

class Counter(
  val count: MutableState<Int> = mutableStateOf(0)

suspend fun snapshotFlow() {
  val counter = Counter()

  coroutineScope {
    val job = launch {
      snapshotFlow { counter.count.value }
        .collect { println(it) }
    launch {
      repeat(5) {
        counter.count.value = counter.count.value + 1


// Prints out 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with 1 second interval.

On a high level, Snapshot keeps track of all MutableState declared in the application. Using this API, snapshotFlow records which states are read inside the lambda. Whenever those states are changed, the lambda passed into snapshotFlow is rerun and the resulting flow emits a new value.

The little remaining space in this blog post doesn’t do justice to this interesting part of the Compose runtime. I would like to refer my readers to Zach Klippenstein’s excellent post Introduction to the Compose Snapshot system.

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